Explore a Day in Kindergarten at Redeemer!
If you or a friend have a child who will be five by September 1, 2025, we invite you to experience a typical day in Kindergarten at Redeemer. Join us for our Kinder Connect sessions, held most Tuesdays from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Discover our campus and learn about the exceptional opportunities Redeemer has to offer. Feel free to invite family members, friends, neighbors, and any other prospective kindergarten families you may know!
Please let us know if you plan to visit by completing the "visit" form on our website, calling us at 512-362-6318, or emailing [email protected].
Why Now?
Although kindergarten may seem far off, the year can pass quickly. Many private schools in the Austin area, including Redeemer, begin their official enrollment season in January and February. Families deserve ample time to explore their options, so now is the perfect time to start!