Important Dates
This section highlights major events happening in the next month that will affect a large portion of students/parents. If you have questions about any events, whether listed or not listed, please call the school at 512-451-6478 for more information.
- Popsicle Fridays ~ $1 popsicles/$25 annual pass at lunch (benefits 8th grade activities)
- Fridays - Wear your school theme t-shirt on Fridays
- December 17-19 ~ Middle School Semester Exams
- December 19 ~ Middle School Dance, 6:30-8:30 pm
- Friday, December 20 ~ Parents Night Out, 6:00-9:00 pm
- Friday, December 20 ~ PK-8th Early Dismissal
- December 23-January 6 ~ PK-8th Grade Christmas Break